An Email from my Landlord [Essay]

3 Apr

(Below is the response from Akaishi-san, my landlord/guardian angel/friend/philosopher/guide in Tokyo, to a well-wisher who asked him to move out of Japan for a while. This is one of the most moving pieces that I have ever read, more so for its matter-of-fact tone; that characterizes how most Japanese responded to the unprecedented triple tragedy that befell this exceptional country and its people, in living history)

Dear friends,

Thank you very much your kind suggestion to evacuate ourselves to France .

But thanks to your praying Gods and Kamisama to protect us,we are so far well protected from so called Radiation fears caused by the Nuclaer plants in Northern part of Japan.

So far there is no Victim nor sufferer from Radiation is reported

At present japanese emergency workers are trying to cool overheating reactors in many ways and also many people are trying hard to supply food ,water ,electric power ,clothes and daily items to those sufferer as much as possible.

U.S.Government recommend that U.S. citizens within 80 kilometer of the plant leave the area to a safer place or heaven in Asia.

We are staying in Tokyo,which locates about 250 kilometer south from Fukishima Nuclear plant. So we are enough away from Nuclear plants at this moment.And also our Himonya area is given special favour to be out of Electric power rotation area.

We, Naoko and I, are thinking that we must behave ourselves just like a captain of Titanic Ship which sunk to the depths of sea near the South pole many years ago. Because we are in a same position to leave our ship last like a captain of Titanic Ship in case of danger. Until we are sure to believe that all of our children, residents of Excelsior garden and local people are all safe, we cannnot leave Tokyo.

We wish we can keep our patience and order in good condition.

We hope every thing will be settled soon in good order.

Thanking your kind and warm attention and offer to us,

Mr and Mrs Akaishi

Submitted by: Arun Vemuri

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